With a similar chassis, resurrected name and transplanted engine you could be forgiven for thinking there’s nothing too special about the latest Vespa to arrive from Italy but you’d be wrong, it’s actually a fantastic […]
Motorcycle Live is on at the NEC in Birmingham and runs until December 1st. It’s the place to see all the new models up close for the first time (and ride quite a few of […]
Easing the new Vespa Primavera off the pavement and out into the busy city traffic I quickly realized that the humble scooter (and to a lesser extent the motorcycle) is an integral part of life […]
Purists will argue about the name adorning the new Vespa Primavera but forget about that and watch as this very stylish modern classic scooter is designed and built. This fantastic two minute video shows just […]
Piaggio unveiled their latest Vespa to the public in Milan yesterday. The new Primavera will replace the popular LX series. Classic Vespa fans may have been left disappointed that the model isn’t at least mildly […]